Gabon, a green country worth discovering


A quiet place in Central Africa.

Gabon is a small Central African country comprising around 1,5 million inhabitants. It represents an area of stability in a region knowing many social and political conflicts. This climate of peace will allow you to discover every part of the country. Although the forest represents 80% of the territory, Gabon offers a great diversity of landscapes: savannahs in the south-east, wooded hills in the Massif du Chaillu, mangrove forests along the Atlantic coast.

Endemic fauna and flora thrive in these various ecosystems like the sun-tailed monkey, discovered in 1984 and living only in the Forêt des Abeilles. In order to protect this biological wealth and fight poaching, Gabon created thirteen national parks in 2002, leading the way for conservation in the region.


The National Park of Lope-Okanda, jewel of Gabon.

Lope NP is one of those places which leaves you bewildered and dreamy. Such a wilderness, composed of savannahs interspersed with forest galleries, is nearly unique in the Congo Basin. Apart from its ecological value, Lope NP is also an archeological site with rock carvings dating from the Iron Age. It is therefore a necessity to preserve this area so that future generations can enjoy Gabon natural wonders a long time after us. These are the many reasons for which Lope NP has been ranked World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2007.

Opposite: Map of Gabon and its 13 National Parks.
Lope NP, situated in the heart of Gabon, is 4,970 km2
(approx. 53,500 square feet).


Lope National Park benefits from the presence of many actors in the field of conservation:

- ANPN or National Agency of National Parks: the green rangers fulfill numerous field missions like floral and fauna inventories, surveillance of poaching activities...

- WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society): US organization managing national and international conservation projects, as well as research and education programmes.

- and a core of ecoguides, trained in order to take part in the nature conservation and promotion of local heritage through their touristic activities.


Mikongo, remote and enchanting forest.

If you are in quest of authenticity with a bit of excitement, we can offer you a journey deep in the rainforest never to be forgotten. Thanks to our skills and our long-term experience, Mikongo'Vision records no accident so far. The association gathers real field guides trained during many years at Mikongo Conservation Centre. The security of our visitors is therefore our highest priority.

Above: Geographical situation of Mikongo (source:


To reach Mikongo from Lope small town, we must take the National Road 3 for 28 miles towards Franceville. Fear of getting bored? Mistake! During the 90-minute transport, you will have the opportunity to admire the wonderful patchworks of savannahs and forests which characterize the beauty of the place. With a bit of luck, some animals might be seen, either in the savannahs or in the middle of the road.

Coming to Mikongo has to be earned ;) Watch out for the bumps and sandy laterite!